Truth About Hair
Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Vietnam war however,....
The Cherokee Story
There is an old Cherokee story, that of the white and black wolf, that has become popular in the white world, but is only half told. In it, the grandfather is talking to his grandson about how.....
Healing with Trees
Healing with trees is an ancient tradition and is practiced even today. Trees hold a significant place in the well being of nature lovers. The amount of wisdom that can be gained from .......
Seeds of Thought
One of the most important principals for achieving success is to understand that your mind is like a garden bed where you cultivate and grow the seeds of thought. When you plant a positive seed .....
Signs To Know You Are Meditating The Right Way.
Often people who are new to the practice of Meditation will encounter many questions about their progress in meditation and whether they are doing it the right way. These doubts .....
Monday, December 26, 2011
Song Of Milarepa
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Buddha's Eigthfold Path of Even-Mindedness
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Cherokee Story
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Tree Magic
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Signs To Know You Are Meditating The Right Way.
- Spontaneous Relaxation - Very often you may observe that some parts of your body relax by themselves. You may feel slight jerks in certain parts of your body after which there will be increased relaxation and you become comfortable with your posture.
- Subtle Vibrations - After few minutes of meditation you may notice your eyes and eye lids are subtly vibrating. This happens because you are consciously aware of your body organs.
- Sense of Rhythm in Breathing - You might begin to notice that your breathing follows a rhythmic pattern. This indicates you are developing better concentration in meditation.
- Paying Attention to Distant Noises - This is a very good sign which indicates you are being aware of external sounds. During the meditation you may suddenly become aware of the sounds around you like the chirping of birds or distant vehicle sounds. However, do not continue to consciously try to keep hearing such sounds or you would get distracted.
- Seeing Patterns of Moving Light - This is one of the interesting experience during meditation. You may see some strange patterns of colorful patterns of light. This is a very good sign which indicates you are focused "within". After the meditation session, you will realize that you were not aware of any external happenings when you could see the patterns of moving light.
- Feeling of Calmness - If you meditate regularly you will observe that you have a sense of calmness during meditation and throughout the day. Also, you may experience little reluctance to end the meditation session.
- Vivid Dreams - Continuous practice of meditations will lead you to have very pleasant and vivid dreams. Sometime, you may notice that you sleep during the night is more comforting.
Apart from these, some very common signs which give assurance of meditating the right way includes, better concentration during your daily activities, being less responsive to external occurrences, a sense of equipoise in all kinds of situations, being more contemplative and many more which you can sense yourself if you pay little attention to the changes that happen in your lifestyle.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Seeds of Thought
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Conscious Eating - Are you Eating Food the Right Way?
With the fast pace lifestyle of present day, it is extremely important that the time you spend while eating is given certain importance.
Here are some of the points to be considered while you are eating :
Note that the food you eat will be digested properly when you are "Feeling Good" while you are eating. Good Digestion means, no digestion related disorders!!
2) Are you eating in a hurry?
Next time you eat your food, make sure you are "Consciously Aware" of touching the food, chewing and swallowing it. Never eat in a hurry, give some time for chewing, feeling the taste and then swallowing.
3) Are you feeling the "Gratitude" for the food that provides energy for your daily activities?
How many of you have ever said words like "Thank you", "I love you", "You are so tasty", "You are so fresh", to the food you eat? Try this next time and experience the new feeling.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Reality About Dreams

Friday, September 2, 2011
Healing with the Sun
Sun Gazing
For more information and methods of Sun Gazing, please Download the manual
Truth About Hair